
Essiac Blend, Talisman 1.4lb

Original price was: $39.50.Current price is: $36.00.

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On a fateful day in 1922 Canadian nurse Rene Caisse happened to notice some scar tissue on the breast of an elderly English woman.  The woman said that doctors had diagnosed her with breast cancer years before.  However, the woman didn’t want to risk surgery nor did she have the money for it. 

 The English woman had met an old Indian medicine man in the 1890s who told her that he could cure her cancer with an herbal tea.  The woman took the medicine man’s advice, and consequently she was still alive nearly thirty years later to pass on this herbal remedy to Nurse Caisse. 

 About a year later, Rene Caisse was walking beside a retired doctor who pointed to a common weed and stated:  “Nurse Caisse, if people would use this weed there would be little cancer in the world.”  Rene later stated:  “He told me the name of the plant.  It was one of the herbs my patient named as an ingredient of the Indian medicine man’s tea!”   The “weed” was sheep sorrel.  In a 1974 letter to Dr. Chester Stock of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute, Rene Caisse stated:  “Who in the world would ever think to find a solution to cancer in a common meadow?

Rene Caisse (pronounced “Reen Case”) later gave the tea to her 72-year old mother who was diagnosed with inoperable cancer of the liver, with only days to live.  Her mother recovered and lived without cancer for another 18 years.

Essiac has become widely known for its remarkable ability to boost the immune system and detoxify the body.  Many people who drink Essiac tea regularly report feeling healthier with less incidence of colds and flu.  Burdock, for example, has a well-established reputation for detoxification and support of the liver and organs of elimination.

Use 1 ounce of herb mixture to 32 ounces of water depending on the amount you want to make.

Use 1 cup of mixture to 8 x 32 = 256 ounces of water.  Boil hard for 10 minutes (covered) then turn off heat but leave sitting on warm plate over night (covered). {A slow cooker on warm setting} DO NOT ALLOW TO BOIL THOUGH. I would make this in my pressure cooker, place the lid on and sit inside my dehydrator overnight where it would be kept warm


In the morning heat steaming hot and let settle a few minutes, then strain through fine strainer into hot sterilized bottles and sit to cool.  Store in dark cool cupboard.  Must be refrigerated when opened.  When near the last when its thick pour in a large jar and sit in frig overnight then pour off all you [can] without sediment. ( You can add 2-3 cups of pure water to replace what has evaproated during boiling). 

The preparation of Essiac is as important as the formula itself.  Essiac is a decoction, not an infusion.  An infusion is what people make when they put a tea bag in a cup of hot water. A decoction is used to extract minerals, bitter components, etc. from hard materials such as roots, bark or seeds by boiling for a few minutes and then allowing the herbs to steep for several hours. Use a stainless steel or enamel pot (NOT ALUMINUM). (USE PURE WATER-NOT CITY WATER THAT HAS CHLORINE AND FLOURIDE). 

Don’t use cheese cloth to strain Essiac.  Likewise, do not use a kitchen sieve that has a very fine mesh as this may filter out the slippery elm.  Slippery elm gives the tea a slight viscous consistency when poured.  If you do not notice this “slippery” consistency after refrigerating your tea, you may be using a sieve that is too fine.  Don’t worry about herb particles in your Essiac; they will settle to the bottom of the jars.  Some people drink the Essiac dregs (particles that settle on the bottom), others don’t.  Some people give the Essiac dregs to their pets or farm animals as a health food.  Many people have reported the same or similar health benefits with their pets that humans are reporting.  The dregs can also be used topically as a poultice.

Dosage: 1 fluid oz in 2 oz water before bed. It should be sipped preferably before bedtime at least 2 hours after eating. Food should not be consumed within 1 hours of drinking. Take for 3 weeks and rest for one week. You may need to take this for up to two years. Higher doses are not beneficial. It was discovered by Rene Caisse that the body seem to ressit at higher doses. She considered it a waste of the remedy and chance of a detox crisis.

For more information on this herbal remedy