
Herbal Immune Boost Tincture Kit

Original price was: $99.95.Current price is: $65.00.

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Fortify your immune system and build it up instead of using antibiotics that will weakend your immune system and cause intestinal flora upset.

Herbal Immune Boost Tincture Kit

The Natural healing Rooms Herbal Immune Boost Kit includes:

1 -2 oz bottle of each of the following:

Echinacea Tincture; Elderberry Tincture; Goldenseal Root Tincture; Garlic Tincture & Flu & Plague Solution

We have added enough essential oils to the kit to make 2 more bottles of Flu & Plague Solution-It will now serve 3 adults a full 8-10 day supply of natural anti-viral and anti-bacterial protection!!

Kit Includes a free refrigerator magnet with how to use the product along with the color brochure with descriptions and cautions.

Also included is a free see through bag so that it is easy to keep your herbal tinctures in one location at hand.

Become your own herbal expert and save $$$ on Office visits. With this kit you can stop colds and flu in it’s tracks and save more than the cost of the herbal kit in just one office visit.

Most importantly you are not weakening your immune system but building it up! You will be even stronger the next time a “bug” try’s to “bite” you.

Fortify your immune system and build it up instead of using antibiotics that will weakend your immune system and cause intestinal flora upset.

If you are pregnant always consult you physician before using any natural remedy. These products are strong and in certain individuals can cause adverse reactions.

The Flu & Plague Solution Contains essential oils of Clove Bud, Cinnamon Bark & Oregano in alcohol. These are very potent anti-bacterial, antiviral essential oils.