
Elderberry Flowers


Elder is one of the human race’s oldest plant allies because it has been found in Stone Age sites. Elder flower has been used since antiquity as a diaphoretic and diuretic. Elder was written of and used in the time of Hippocrates, Dioscorides, and through the centuries by many other ancient herbalists. It is written about and used by modern herbalists today. It is potent FLU remedy.

Elder has been valued for it’s medicinal uses for thousands of years and is considered sacred and magical in folklore mythology and treated with great respect. The English said their summer had not arrived until the Elder was in full bloom and that it ended when the berries were ripe.

Elderflowers have been used successfully by many well known herbalists for numerous health issues such as fighting off viruses or quelling inflammation. Rosalee de la Foret, a recognized herbalist speaks in her book, Alchemy of herbs about elderflowers as one of her favorite plants that she relies on all the time. Especially when somebody has a fever and feels hot, tense and restless. Elderflower promotes sweating allowing the heat to escape.