Couch Grass (Dog Grass) Root (Elymus repens)


Couch grass contains vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E, calcium, iron, magnesium, agropyrene as well as amino acids.

Couch grass is a diuretic herb that is native to Europe, Asia as well as Northwest Africa. It is a perennial grass and the common names are Witch grass, Wheat grass, Couchgrass, Durfa grass, Quack grass, Dog grass, Quick grass, Scutch grass as well as Twitch grass. The main parts used as herbal medicine are the root, rhizome and seeds.

Couch grass contains vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E, calcium, iron, magnesium, agropyrene as well as amino acids. It also contains chlorophyll and carbohydrates such as mannitol and inulin, Tricin as well Mucilage.

Couchgrass has been used for thousand of years now to treat inflamed bladder, water retention, uterine infection, urination that is painful to pass. It is also a natural remedy for kidney stones conditions as well as kidney infection.