
Cornsilk (Zea Mays)


Zea mays is the botanical name for corn. Zea comes from Greek, meaning “to live.” Mays comes from Spanish ma?z, or maize, the same word as a term in a native Mexican language meaning “mother,” or “mother of life.”

Latin Name: Zea Mays

Common Name: Cornsilk

Throughout history, Corn Silk has been used as a remedy for urinary tract ailments, including bed-wetting, painful and frequent urination, stones, bloating, liver problems, gravel in the bladder and chronic cystitis, urethritis, and prostatitis, (and other prostate disorders). Corn silk is used today as a diuretic and it has also been known to be effective for weight loss and obesity, it has also been used for carpal tunnel syndrome and symptoms of PMS, such as breast tenderness, bloating and it promotes relaxation. By reducing fluid retention in the body, Cornsilk may be helpful for reducing blood pressure, and by eliminating toxins and wastes it may relieve gout, edema, and arthritis as well as work as a gentle detoxifying remedy for the system. Naturopaths have used Corn silk extracts in the treatment of gonorrhea and all catarrhal conditions of the urinary passage. Corn silk is loaded with flavonoids and polyphenols that are thought to have cancer-fighting antioxidant properties. Corn silk is also said to be an excellent source of vitamin K which has been known to slow bleeding. It is a wonderful skin conditioner and is often found in products for the skin and hair.