Spruce essential oil, with its purifying and cleansing attributes, promotes an openess and clarity for the mind. It is of great tonifying benefit to the support clear, smooth breathing. Keep a bottle on hand throughout the winter to use in your diffuser at the first sign of your family becoming congested. Applied to the muscle and joints in dilution spruce oil enhances the bodies function and flexibility and can provide much needed relief after a long hike or yoga class. Diffused or used in direct palm inhalation, this purifying and uplifting oil has the habit of reducing stress while clearing away sadness, sluggishness or mental fatigue. Use spruce when you would like to make a clear path beyond old and stuck emotions.
Native Americans used spruce oil to concoct their own ointment, salves, and lotion with spruce, honey, and alum to treat skin problems, such as boils, burns, skin inflammation, sores, and wounds. They also chewed the balsam of spruce as a chewing gum and spread it as caulking or glue. They even ate the inner bark and shoots of the tree.
Spruce oil is frequently added in soap, air fresheners, and household cleaner formulations to lend its fresh scent and act as a disinfecting agent. Because of its pleasant earthy scent, its calming effects, and its ability to ease anxiety and stress, spruce oil is also a favorite in meditation rituals like grounding.